Lil’ BoPs Corner
Nature’s Guardians
What are Nature’s Guardians?
It is a Nature Club for kids that exposes them to indigenous plants and animals, conservation, and helps them develop a love and appreciation for nature and all its beauty!
We meet the third Friday of each month in Hillsborough County Parks from 10:30-12:30
Here is our current schedule 2023
January 20 - EG Simmons Conservation Park - Ocean Conservation
February 17 - Golden Aster Scrub Nature Preserve - Animal Tracks
March 17 - Alderman Ford County Park Babies Gone Wild
April 21 - Lithia Springs Conservation Park - Water
To attend please text or call us 813-205-1851
IF YOU ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CAN’T GO OF FRIDAY’S please text us 813-205-1851. We do special events and will make sure you are invited to them all!
Crested Caracara and Falcons
Come meet Puck our Educational Ambassador.
At the end of the work shop you should know:
Northern Crested Caracaras are birds of prey in the family Falconidae
Where these birds are traditionally found and how they ended up in Florida.
What a glacial relict is and why the caracara is considered one
Why the caracara’s behavior of preferring walking over flying is quite strange in relation to other falcons.
What their natural habitat is and how development is encroaching on their natural space.
Each participant will have the opportunity to meet Puck the Crested Caracara in person and have their picture taken with her.
About Your Facilitator
Nancy Murrah spent many years as the Director of Learning for the one of the largest insurance companies in America. Today she dedicates her life to rehabilitating wildlife, especially birds of prey. Always while exploring, learning and growing others knowledge of wildlife she teaches the importance of conserving wild lands and clean water for animals and people alike. She is currently a Federally and State Permitted Wildlife Rehabilitator and the President of The Raptor Center of Tampa Bay where, in addition to many duties, she designs and delivers Nature Programs.
A native of Tampa Florida she has spent the great majority of her life outside learning about nature. She is a local writer of children’s stories, facilitator, photographer and illustrator. Nancy has written stories for both education and entertainment. Her stories include Tilly the Gopher Tortoise, The Eagles’ Forest, Paige Eagle Ambassador and Ollie the Alligator. Most of the illustrations in the programs were also drawn by Nancy.
She serves as a citizen scientist for EagleWatch, an Audubon Florida program, she is on the board of directors for Tampa Audubon, Volunteers for both JayWatch and ColonyWatch projects, as well as participating in the Christmas Bird Count, Migratory Bird Count, Hawk Watch in the keys when she can and The Great Backyard Bird Count. She is a facilitator for FWC’s Project Wild, Flying Wild and their related programs. Nancy spends the fast majority of her time rescuing and rehabilitating raptors and is building a Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Facility in the Tampa Bay Area.
Barn Owls
Barn Owls in Rehabilitation
At the end of the workshop you should know:
When and where barn owls nest.
The importance of the barn owl population as it relates to rodents.
How barn owls breed.
How barn owls benefit from barn owl boxes.
How you can help barn owls in the Tampa Bay area.
Each participant will receive a special coloring page and information about the barn owl as well as information on how you can participant in a special Barn Owl project. During the program we will assemble a Barn Owl box.
Beginning Birding
At the end of the workshop you should know:
What the Florida State Bird is
Why birders use binoculars, zoom lenses and scopes
How to identify ten common local birds
The basic components of a Birding Field Guide and why they are important
What the Florida Scrub Jay is and why it’s important
What E-bird is all about
How to keep a checklist using Tampa Audubon’s Checklist and how to submit lists to FWC’s Birders Program.
What a Eastern Screech Owl is and why you want them in your yard
Field opportunity – We will look around the yard (immediate outdoors of event) for birds and identify each of them
Each participant will receive a Checklist of Florida’s Birds to use for your next birding trip.
Florida Bald Eagles
At the end of the workshop you should know:
Where and when eagles nest
Eagles are migratory and where they go when they leave Florida
How eagles construct and maintain their nest
What the first 12 weeks of life of a bald eagle is like
Environmental factors that affect eagles and all birds of prey
The basic history of the bald eagle
How to become an official eagle watcher
Each participant will receive a basic eagle fact sheet, A word search puzzle, dot-to-dot activity page, and a coloring page.
There is Wildlife Among Us: Exploring Neighborhood Wildlife
At the end of the workshop you should know:
Animals that may be found in your yard; bats, fox, deer, raccoon, coyote, tortoise, squirrels, skunks, bear, otter, panther, bobcat to name a few!
The basic reasons why wildlife is attracted to houses and properties
How to minimize contact with wildlife
Common diseases found in our local wildlife
What happens when a trapper is called
What to do if you find injured or sick wildlife
Each participant will receive several pamphlets by the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Things that Slither
Lizards, Snakes and Skinks
At the end of the workshop you should know:
The difference between Lizards and Skinks
A Florida Anole (Lizard) from a Cuban Anole
The difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes
How to identify the four venomous snakes found in Central Florida
How to identify a variety of non-venomous snakes
What you should do if you get bitten by a snake
2 non-native species of snakes found in Florida and understand why they are a problem
The most common skinks found in Hillsborough County
The difference between an Iguana and a Tegu Lizard and discuss how they are invading Florida and why that’s a problem.
Go on a nature walk to identify different habitats used by different lizards, snakes and skinks.
Each participant will receive a brochure on Venomous Snakes and will make a snake craft.
Baby Owl Shower
Come and join us in celebration of all the baby owls we rescue. This is a time for you to collect supplies and bring them along.
There will be:
A station to see Eastern Screech Owls – Even though the owls that you see will be small they are adult owls that were injured and brought into rehabilitation. Their injury prevented them from being released back into the wild. They are here to represent all of the owls that come into captivity that cannot live out normal lives, breeding and flying free. – Photo Op!
A station to dissect owl pellets – Learn what owls eat by the pellets they cast.
A program so that you can develop an understanding of their important role in maintaining a natural environment.
Mask making station – Make a variety of owl masks to take home with you.
Coloring Pages – Through coloring pages you will learn the different types of owls frequently found in central Florida.
Wildlife Corridors
At the end of the workshop you should know:
That although Florida appears to be flat just a few inches in elevation changes the habitat.
Florida has a variety of habitats including Dry Uplands such as sandhill and scrub, seasonally moist lands such as flatwoods and seasonal or diurnal ponds, wetlands such as bayheads, seepage slopes and bottomland hardwood forests to our ever popular water bodies, our lakes, rivers, creeks and springs.
The variety of habitats our animals need
What wildlife corridors are
What a Caracara is and why they are found in the middle of the state.
Who the Florida Wildlife Corridor expedition team is an what their mission is.
Water, Water Everywhere – The Florida Aquifer
At the end of the workshop you should know:
The importance of the Florida aquifer.
More about waterways in the area.
How water pertains to preservation of wildlife.
That there are a variety of different landforms on Earth’s surface such as coastlines, dunes, rivers, deltas, and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to Florida.
What a natural community is and why they are important.
Living with Alligators
At the end of the workshop you should know:
The difference between the American Alligator and the American Crocodile
What food, they eat and what habitat both the alligator and the crocodile
Why a hand-fed alligator becomes a nuisance and the penalties associated with them.
Each participant will receive a Coloring Page, An alligator paper craft you can do at home a maze to help Ollie find his way home, a Word Search and a pamphlet from FWC “How to Live with Alligators.”
Come Explore, Learn and Grow with us!
We have been dreaming of building a wildlife rehabilitation center in the Tampa Bay Area for the last 10 years. It’s time to make our dream a reality!
We plan to build a center in the Tampa Bay area, open to the public focused on conservation education and rehabilitation of native Florida wildlife.
Come grow with us. We are a small group of dedicated volunteers working to make a difference for wildlife and our community every day.
Additional Programs We Offer:
Florida Ecosystems and Their Wildlife
At the end of the workshop the participant will:
Know what an ecosystem is.
Have a basic understanding why animals exist within specific ecosystems.
Learn how fire helps to maintain healthy ecosystems.
Know the importance of keeping the environment clean through the story of Tilly the Gopher Tortoise.
Learn how animals and birds use communication to warn others and to protect themselves.
Be introduced to a variety of Florida animals.
Understand what exotic plants and animals are.
Learn two exotic animals that have become naturalized in Florida.
Identify your favorite animal and develop a plan how you can help that species.
Each participant receives a soft-back cover version of Tilly’s Adventure and coloring pages.
Butterflies and Bees
At the end of the workshop the participant will:
Know what metamorphosis is and how it occurs with butterflies.
Develop a basic understanding of the importance of host plants in butterfly reproduction.
Learn the importance of bees in pollinating our food supply.
See honeycombs and learn about bee’s life cycle.
Be introduced to the common butterflies found in Hillsborough County.
Learn what they eat and how nectar plants are important.
Go on a short walk outside to find butterflies.
Learn what our state butterfly and wildflower are.
Be introduced to how to plant a butterfly garden.
Each participant receives the pamphlet Florida Wildflowers & Butterflies and a bee bookmark and will make their choice of a butterfly or wildflower fan.
Birds of Prey
At the end of the program the participant will know:
What a raptor is
The common raptors found in Florida
How raptors hunt and feed
Where they live
Basic information about migratory raptors
Basic understanding from nest to fledge
Each participant will receive a raptor information sheet that contains a drawing of the bird and a short description.
Florida’s Treasure Box – Our Marine Wildlife
The major emphasis of this program is on manatee, dolphin and sea turtles that are found in Florida Waters.
At the end of this workshop the participant will know:
The Western Indian manatees, the bottle nose dolphins and our 5 Florida sea turtles habitat
Where they can be found locally
What they eat
How big they get
Their overall basic life cycle
Learn how they keep track of the approximately 200 manatee that visit Tampa Bay each year
The five types of sea turtles that inhabit Florida’s waters
One strategy to help conserve each of the three species
Be exposed to other wildlife that lives in Florida’s waters. Each participant will receive a treasure box coloring book, and a manatee fan.
Frogs and Turtles
At the end of the workshop the participant will know:
Five common frogs found in Florida by sight and sound.
The difference between a Slider and a Snapping Turtle.
How turtles and tortoises are different.
Why frogs are an indicator of the environment.
The importance of clean fresh water in lakes, rivers and streams.
Each participant will make a frog puppet
Gopher Tortoises and Their Burrows
By using a FWC workbook participants will learn:
The history of the gopher tortoise
Where they live
Why they are a Keystone Species
Who else uses the tortoises burrow
Basic anatomy & what they eat
Nesting and baby tortoises basics
Each participant will receive their own gopher tortoise workbook.
After completing any five of our programs:
You are eligible to participate in this very interactive workshop where you will create your own project on what you can do to protect or support organizations for Wildlife in Florida.
Your child will receive one on one support and coaching on their wildlife protection plan one time a week for three months following this workshop.
Creating your own Wildlife Protection Plan
At the end of this workshop each participant will know:
About various organizations that are working hard to protect wildlife
What the Florida Wildlife Corridor is and why it is important
The basic role that Audubon, Nature Conservancy, Florida Native Plant Society, Florida Wildlife Federation and other organizations like these, play in protecting wildlife
The basic role that the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the United State Fish and Wildlife Service play in protecting wildlife
The importance of clean water for everyone
TEXT 813-205-1851 if you are interested in offering this program