How You Can Help
Become A Member
To report a sick or injured bird, please call our hotline at 813-205-1851
We are excited to introduce our new Supporting Membership Program.
Our organization is growing and so is the community of supporters interested in helping us help the birds and other wildlife in the Tampa Bay area. We feel it is time that RCTB offer a supporting membership program.
Along with helping us build a new rehab facility, we spend more than $30,000 per year on food and medicine for the birds and animals in our current facility and thousands more to transport them. You can become a supporting member of the Raptor Center for just $35.00 per year. You get our newsletter 2 times a year, a membership card and pre-notice to all events. Most importantly, you will be helping the birds and animals that come to the Raptor Center for help and healing.
There is a family membership for $100.00 and a Corporate for $250.00. Our goal is to sell 5,000 memberships. That's an aggressive goal which, if achieved, would bring us $175,000. We need every penny of that and more to invest into the property that will ultimately house our birds, build several large flight cages and rehabilitation mews, outfit our clinic. . . and the list goes on and on.
Can we count on your membership today?
Membership Levels

Membership Newsletter
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Have you ever wondered what we use your membership dollars for?
It takes a lot to save the life of an injured or orphaned baby wild animal. It also takes a lot of baby formula, medicine, food, rehabilitation equipment, cleaning supplies, and months of specialized care.
It takes even more to save the life of a injured bird of prey. It takes x-rays, vets, food, medicine, bandages, fluids, incubators, heating pads, and much more. It takes cages for the clinical stage, even larger cages for rehabilitation and even larger flight barns for reconditioning through their physical and occupational therapy in preparation for returning to the wild.
Wildlife rehabilitation organizations do not receive any governmental funding, but instead rely on the support of animal lovers like you. Your membership helps us buy what we do not get donated and need, especially food, in order to treat, feed and care for the birds.
The basic individual membership is $35.00. You get our newsletter at least 2 times a year, a membership card and pre-notice to all events. Most importantly you will be helping us to build a wildlife rehabilitation center in Hillsborough County.
Our goal is to sell 5,000 memberships. That's an aggressive goal which, if achieved, would bring us $175,000. We need every penny of that and more to build several large flight cages, rehabilitation mews, outfitting our clinic, installing a kitchen and bathroom. THE LIST GOES ON AND ON.